- №8, август
- "Искусство кино"
Nikita Mikhalkov - Andrei Smirnov
On freedom, critique and global geo-politics
Film-directors discuss press-freedom in Russia and its consequences.
Zara Abdullayeva
Cruelty and its twin
Goran Paskalievic:
"The base of all my films is neorealistic model"
Review of Goran Paskalievic's BURE BARUTA (Greece - Macedonia - Turkey - Serbia) and interview with the director.
Elena Stishova
Hot spot
Review of Stanislav Govorukhin's THE VOROSHILOV'S LEAGUE SNIPER (Russia).
Inna Tkachenko
Norman Bates is dead, but we are not yet
Review of Gas Van Sant's PSYCHO (USA).
Katerina Tarkhanova
The queen is dead
Review of Shekhar Kapur's ELIZABETH (Gr Britain - USA).
Victor Matizen
Autumn of patriarch
Review of Ian Truell's HAMSUN (Sweden).
Larisa Malyukova
Glass painting by Natalya Orlova
Review of animated MOBY DICK (Russia - Gr Britain).
Alexandra Vasilkova
Peculiarities of Belorussian fishing
Review of Igor Volchek's animation PASTORAL (Belorussia).
Yury Arabov
Console of Hitchcock
Hitchcock as not a thriller-maker, but a Catholical director par excellance.
Andrei Turkov
Old house, old friend
Essay on Lirerary Institute.
Valentin Chernykh
My dog's life
Dogs as genuine friends.
Nina Tsyrkun
Ozu and Dsen
Igor Mantsov
Formula of immortality
Yasujiro Ozu retrospective in Cinema Museum; two articles on his creation.
Dario Argento:
"Cinema is fiction"
Fragments from interviews with an outstanding Italian film-maker.
Vladimir Chumak
Lessons of Moskvin
Recallections of the pupil of the great cinematographer about his teacher.
Mikhail Brashinsky
Romance with Stagnation
Nostalgic article comparing the 70s in Russia and America.
Teo Khatiashvili
In the direction of mystique
Survey of contemporary Georgian cinema.
Kszysztof Zanussi
Festival games
The famous film-maker interviewed on the politics of festival juries' decisions.
Thomas Winterberg
A great teaser
Interview with one of the movers of DOGMA project.
Yulia Pankratova
Captives of predictability
On TV TAFY award.
Neal Gabler
An empire of their own
Fragments from the book.
Armen Medvedev
About cinema only
Next instalment.
Liliana Kavani, Franco Arcalli, Italo Moscati
Beyond the good and evil
Next instalment.
Muse service
Pushkin Cinema Lexicon.