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Summary - Искусство кино


Oleg Kovalov
A Metaphysician
Creative work of the noted Russian filmmaker Aleksandr Sokurov is investigated. While analyzing his documentaries and feature films the author accentuates the fundamentals of his world outlook having a propensity towards metaphysical component of the individual.
Through the original poetics of the master Kova-lov shows how intensity of his spiritual seeking, deep interest in methodology of the screen implementation of the most visually elusive, that is man's inner world, are reflected.
Sokurov, Metaphysics, documentaries and feature films, poetics, visualization of inner world

A trip into oneself
Foreign press on Aleksandr Sokurov's films.

Zara Abdullayeva
Four seasons
Review of Mike Leigh's Another Year (Gr. Britain).
Mike Lee's Another Year is being analyzed as an example of the helmer's techniques also specifying some traditions of the English indies. The critic shows topicality of Leigh's seemingly non-radical poetics as far as modes of acting, transforming achievements of the national theatre school into cinematic existence, or typology of characters, mise en scene making, etc are concerned.
Helming, English indies, national theatre school, non-radical, mise en scene making

Katerina Tarkhanova
Generation first, tenth, hundredth…
Review of Viktor Ginzburg's Generation P (Russia).
Principles and peculiarities of screen adaptation of such a difficult in this sense Viktor Pelevin's novel are considered. Methodology of writing Generation P is seen as following traditions of the great classics Thackeray and Gogol who managed to make a commoner the epic's hero. The author shows originality of this tradition's metamorphosis nowadays and dwells on the ways of screen interpretation of this literature-centered writing by the film's helmer.
Viktor Pelevin, Generation P, methodology, classics, commoner, epic, literature-centered

Nina Tsyrkun
Childhood. Apprenticeship
Review of Matthew Vaughn's X-Men: First Class (USA).
Mathew Vaughn's X-Men: First Class is analyzed as genre hybrid of comics and spy thriller like Bond series, inscribing American mythology into European cultural context.
Genre hybrid, comics, American mythology

Sergei Anashkin
The Hong Kong trace
Review of Susanna Oorzhak's Leaving the sweet-smelling harbour (Russia).
Review of Sergei Potapov's As long as wind blows (Russia).
Through the Yakut movie Leaving the sweet-smelling harbour The author investigates the modes of screen adaptation of one of the main ethnic community's major subject matter — that is retrograde mythologem of man's return to the origins. Analyzing the pic's aesthetics, based upon recognition of dream reality and exploiting the method of the heroine's repatriation into the world of her dreams as well as considering the modes of composition, symbols, motives, etc, the critic marks the influence of the Hong Kong cinema upon the makers of this film about the ethnic memory and creative force of the Sakha people.
Ethnic community, retrograde mythologem, the Sakha people, repatriation into the world of dreams, origins

Tamara Dondurei
The great performance of life
Review of Kevin Macdonald's Life in a Day (USA).
The unique experiment undertaken by Kevin MacDonald in cooperation with YouTube, which resulted in documentary A Life in a Day shot by filmmakers all over the world that serves as a time capsule to show future gene-rations what it was like to be alive on the 24th of July, 2010 is analyzed. The critic explores the principle of structuring amateurs' stuff based on the end-to-end motive — the answers of the personages to varied and sudden director's questions. This questionnaire helped MacDonald to demonstrate how the world without borders manifests itself in the individual and national bounds, that is in the characters.
Unique experiment, structuring the amateurs' stuff, end-to-end motive, character

Sergei Medvedev
A fence as a principle of Russian life
A fence as a metaphor of certain peculiarities of Russian mentality is investigated. Its archetypal nature is stressed referring to the traditions of its functioning in the past and to the reasons for its arising nowadays, to its various types and kinds.
All types of fencing are considered, from a simple one in the country hut up to the main one of the state — that is the Kremlin's wall, assuming the symbol of the general scale, both a defence construction and the border between people and the power.
Fencing, archetypal nature, Russian mentality, metaphor, symlol, border

Yury Solodov
I like cinema
An article devoted to Coen brothers and Sydney Lumet.

Ayur Sandanov
A zombie-apocalypse
Transformation of the role model of survival in the context of history of zombie-movies. Zombie-texts as possibility of valuation of productivity of different role models under circumstances of decay of social medium and for the sake of individual identification.
A zombie-apocalypse, zombie-discourse, apocalyptical dread, redundant equivocation

Maria Semendyaeva
Dance of life
Aesthetics of contemporary Indian Cinema.
An attempt at viewing contemporary Indian mainstream in the context of the world cinema, western one in particular. Singling out and analyzing its characteristic traits and traditional substantial and formal schemes as well as the set up system of values, the author portrays unique cinema culture though upon the influence of Hollywood.
Indian cinema, Bollywood, poetical figuration, rasa, psychological development of a character

Oleg Zintsov
Video in theatre: a tool and a metaphor
Aims and modes of using video on stage are investigated basing on the main principle of its exploitation in modern theatre, that is directing the view out or inside. In the first case the space widens, in the second one it deepens. The difference of these principles assumingly helps to single out four main types of video usage: video as text, video as reality show, video as sets, video as close-up (a face).
Video on stage, basics, video as text, video as reality show, video as sets, video as close-up

Lars Henrik Gass
A place for alternative audience
Interview with the director of Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen. Conducted by Anjelika Artyukh.

Rule of a game
Resume of the conference «Development of domestic cinema industry as a part of national culture».
Publication of the reports delivered at the closing session of the planning and practical conference held in April 2011 as a business game.
Conference, business game, workshops «Trade unions in improvement of cinema production», «Problems of distribution», «Alternative modes of promotion — TV, Internet, festivals, critics», «State politics of development of domestic film culture», «Problems of film education»

Joёl Chapron
France is the motherland of cinema
Interview with the vice-president of UniFrance Joёl Chapron on the arrangement of the French system of cinema industry. Conducted by Daniil Dondurei.

Simona Bauman
Without central power
Mechanism of support of cinema in Germany.

Agniezhka Odorowicz
Poland: everything in a new style
Interview with the general director of Polish Film Institute (PISF) Agniezhka Odorowicz. Conducted by Dina Nazarova.

Aleksandr Chernyshov
A melody for a trap
Mediamusical manifestations of cinema.
The forms of musical design of cinema production are considered in connection with electronic mass media. Alongside with usual use of broadcasting-music in films the media-musical art is investigated in TV series, film baits and film trailers.
Media-music, TV-series, trailer, teaser, bait, overture, podcasting

Tatyana Bogatyryova
A script.

Ksenia Dragunskaya
Reconstruction of a skeleton
A script.

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Полукровка и дары смерти


Полукровка и дары смерти

Нина Цыркун

В меню новогоднего российского кинопроката – блокбастер «47 ронинов» американского режиссера Карла Ринша с Киану Ривзом в главной роли. Об очередной «отбеленной» экранизации японской народной легенды, на сей раз – в жанре трехмерного фэнтези, – Нина Цыркун.

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Экзамен. «Моего брата зовут Роберт, и он идиот», режиссер Филип Грёнинг


Экзамен. «Моего брата зовут Роберт, и он идиот», режиссер Филип Грёнинг

Антон Долин

В связи с показом 14 ноября в Москве картины Филипа Грёнинга «Моего брата зовут Роберт, и он идиот» публикуем статью Антона Долина из 3-4 номера журнала «Искусство кино».

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Объявлена программа фестиваля в Карловых Варах


Оргкомитет фестиваля в Карловых Варах (Чехия) обнародовал программы предстоящего форума. Всего в различных программах 6 мировых и 7 международных премьер. Фестиваль откроется 28 июня фильмом Мишеля Гондри «Пена дней» (Mood indigo/ L'écume des jours), снятым по роману Бориса Виана. В главной роли Одри Тату.