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Summary - Искусство кино



Andrei Konchalovsky

Give yourself a hand

Andrey Konchalovsky analyses typological features of Russian mentality and the nature of its impact upon civilizational processes in different epochs of domestic history. Such cultural and psychological factors as a narrow circle of confidence, absence of personal respect, limited sense of responsibility and archaic type of consciousness are specified.

Mentality, civilizational processes, circle of confidence, personality, responsibility, type of consciousness

Yury Pivovarov:

«History is devised by historians»

Conversed by Daniil Dondurei and Nina Zarkhi

Leonid Radzikhovsky

God is dragging Russia in a net shopping bag. Where to?

A set of stuff on Russian mentality and ways of modernization.


Nina Zarkhi — Zara Abdullayeva

Motivation is might


Stas Tyrkin

Adverbial modifier of place

The generic laws of American family cinema as well as aesthetical novelties of the Venice mostra-2010 winner — Sofia Coppola's SOMEWHERE are considered. The analysis of unconventional character of the lead, the Hollywood star, and his complicated relations towards his juvenile daughter is of special interest in this context.

Genre, family cinema, Sofia Coppola, SOMEWHERE, Venice Film festival, juvenile daughter

Ksenia Rozhdestvenskaya


The milestones of the outstanding Polish film director Jerzy Skolimowski's creation are traced as well as transformation of his style exemplified by the subtle technique of the latest work by the master ESSENTIAL KILLING. The limits of popular road-movie genre in cinema d'auteur are also explored.

Jerzy Skolimowski, transformation of style, ESSENTIAL KILLING, cinema d'auteur, road-movie

Anton Dolin

Society of performance

A distinctive hand of Abdellatif Kechiche — one of the today's cult film makers favored by major international film festivals — is explored. The author analyses intrinsic artistic method of creation of everyday reality through folk beliefs, Moslem customs, mythological notions mixed by the helmer of noted LA GRAINE ET LA MULET and  VENUS NOIRE in a whimsical aesthetical and conceptional genre cocktail.

Abdellatif Kechiche, artistic method, LA GRAINE ET LA MULET, VENUS NOIRE, everyday reality, customs, mythology

Andrei Plakhov

Ozon once more

When analyzing the latest picture of the today's classic of French cinema Francois Ozon's POTICHE, the author generalizes the key modern metamorphoses of the comedy genre, typology of French comedy and the nature of parody as its modification. Methodological principles of stylization utilized by Ozon, its perspectives and limits are also considered.

French cinema, Francois Ozon, POTICHE, comedy, typology of genre, parody, stylization

Ksenia Rozhdestvenskaya

Ten minutes cooler: tube

The article treats typologies of Spanish culture, fundamental traits of national art born in buffoonery and based upon boundaries between popular and elitist genres, between high and low, tragedy, melodrama, downer. The author concentrates on creation of Alex de la Iglesia and his latest  BALADA TRISTE DE TROMPETA, where historical events serve as both contents and background, and authenticity of story about real life is gained with playing a Commedia dell'arte.

Spanish culture, Alex de la Iglesia, BALADA TRISTE DE TROMPETA, clown, Commedia dell'arte

Zara Abdullayeva

Burden and endearment

A new trend in contemporary cinema that is pseudofolkloristic rites and rituals is explored. The reason for the makers of SILENT SOULS (Alexey Fedorchenko, director; Denis Osokin, script-writer) pioneered to response to these tendencies after a long interest in paradocumentalism is illuminated.

Contemporary cinema, pseudofolklore, paradocumentalism, fiction film, SILENT SOULS

Aleksei Fedorchenko

Real magic world

Conversed by Irina Semyonova.


Alexandre Rubtsov

Masha and Bear

Conceptual problems of modernizational system are considered: methodological traps, specifics of total planning, postmodernist imitations. Thorough explanation of nature of inevitability of Russian modernization with supplying mythology and delusions follows.

Modernization, methodological traps, planning, postmodernist imitations, mythology, delusions

Sergei Medvedev

An alarm man

Semyon Ekshtut

Fall of empire

An article devoted to the problem of a «waste man» in Russian history exemplified with the life story of field marshal D. Milyutin, defense minister in the government of Alexander II. The author of historical and cultural investigation considers mechanism of historical epochs' shift, nature of success of liberalism and coming of reaction, relations of a strong personality and the powers.

«Waste man», history, defense minister, D. Milyutin, Alexander II, liberalism, reaction


Dmitry Desyaterik

Trip to the end of the night

Portrayal of Gaspar Noe.

Vera Zharikova

Video on demand: reality

An analytical portrayal of film maker and script-writer Harmony Korine as an attempt at summing up creation of one of the most remarkable figures of American counter culture as well as theoretical substantiation of domineering features of contemporary 'indies'. Korine embodies treating tabooed themes in politically non-correct ways into films where nearly documentary truth to life acquires poetic intonation, and reality starts to seem a dream.

Harmony Korine, «indies», political non-correctness, realism, documentary truth


Olga Artemyeva

Maiden and death

The article is devoted to exploration of horror as genre; reasons for its origin, nature and ways of development in the world, primarily in America cinema. The author focuses on the evolution of the heroine's image — that is a blonde either in the role of the emitter of evil or a victim.

Horror as genre, American cinema, evolution of image, blonde, evil

Boris Lokshin

Return to theatre

Interrelation and interaction of theatre and cinema exemplified by creation of the great French director Louis Malle, mostly through his New-York pictures, are explored. The author considers nature of conventionalities of scenic and screen art, specifics of contact with the viewer, acquaint the reader with creative method of great masters Jerzy Grotowski and Andre Gregory.

Louis Malle, scenic and screen art, conventionalities of art, Jerzy Grotowski, Andre Gregory

Nikolai Izvolov — Sergei Kapterev:

«Memory failed Grigory Vasilyevich…»

Discoveries in the Prague Film Archive.

Elena Stishova

A place

Analyzing some remarkable films from KINOFORUM 2010, presenting cinema of CIS and the Baltic, the author formulates emblematic traits of these works: relation towards Russia unbreakably bound with their past, symptoms of mental perplexity and hopeful attempts at reconsidering challenges of new time, some values and myths.

Kinoforum, cinema of CIS and the Baltic, Russia, past, perplexity, new time


Daniil Dondurei — Vladimir Khanumian

Sensation of plastic

What is smart TV?


Lana Azarkh




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Далекий случай


Далекий случай

Алексей Тютькин

Алексей Тютькин подбирает ключи к психологическому триллеру Питера Стрикленда «Студия звукозаписи "Берберян"» и обнаруживает их в романах Кафки и рассказе Боулза.

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Двойная жизнь. «Бесконечный футбол», режиссер Корнелиу Порумбою


Двойная жизнь. «Бесконечный футбол», режиссер Корнелиу Порумбою

Зара Абдуллаева

Корнелиу Порумбою, как и Кристи Пуйю, продолжает исследовать травматическое сознание своих современников, двадцать семь лет назад переживших румынскую революцию. Второй раз после «Второй игры», показанной тоже на Берлинале в программе «Форум», он выбирает фабулой своего антизрелищного документального кино футбол. Теперь это «Бесконечный футбол».

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Вышел февральский номер «ИК»


Каждый год журнал обращается к фестивалю «Артдокфест». И это не случайно. Программы, включающие и дебюты, и работы известных отечественных и зарубежных мастеров, позволяют говорить не только о важнейших проблемах сегодняшней документалистики и даже не только о главных трендах кино, но и — шире — об актуальных тенденциях мирового современного искусства. Вот и в этом номере материалы, напрямую или косвенно инспирированные «Артдокфестом»-2012, составили большую часть содержания.