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Summary - Искусство кино



Why I don't watch TV

Round table talk moderated by Daniil Dondurei

Vika Smirnova


Words, words, words…

Review of Tom Hooper's THE KING'S SPEECH (USA-Gr Britain-Australia)

Analysis of philosophical and psychological meta-subject matter as the base of the Oscar-winner's THE KING'S SPEECH. The author specially dwells on the stages of intrinsic evolution of relationship between the protagonist and power through the nuances of interrelation of the politician and the word, a phrase and sense, speech freedom and freedom of decision influencing the fate both of a single person and nation in whole.

Power, declamation, elocution, «The King's Speech», copycat king, monarch, myth, Tom Hooper

Inna Kushnaryova


Review of Darren Aronofsky's BLACK SWAN (USA)

Hypersexuality as one of the injunctions of contemporary artistic culture and horror as stuffed in music of THE SWAN LAKE ballet are considered exemplified by Darren Aronofsky's BLACK SWAN. The mechanism of transition of directly manifested high art into trash, a lower genre and idiocy is also traced.

Aronofsky, ballet, hypersexualized world, «hysteria cinema», transcendence, trash, horror, frigidity, «Black Swan», outsider

Nina Tsyrkun


Review of David Fincher's THE SOCIAL NETWORK (USA)

When analyzing filmic and real history of creating Facebook, one of the most widespread and mushrooming social networks of today, the author states, that — against the purposes declared, the host Mark Zuckerberg actually erases the boundaries of privacy making the users voluntarily face pervasive total control.

Facebook, genius, Mark Zuckerberg, «new new journalism», «The Social Network», sociopathy, thriller

Elena Paisova

The lower depth

Review of Danny Boyle's 127 HOURS (USA-Gr Britain)

Investigation of a fresh character type in American cinema through the Danny Boyle's 127 HOURS. Peculiarities of the author's narration and his innovative techniques of screen adaptation are also treated. Actuality of rapid fuzzy fusion of elements of mainstream and art-house is specified.

«127 hours», Danny Boyle, heroism, time and space unity, cinema of «living through», superhero comics, inescapable eventuality, pseudologic, action

Denis Dragunsky


Revolution of women

Vladimir Mirzoyev

«Swamp and oil are our major metaphors»

Inna Kushnaryova


The last modernist

Comprehensive analysis of Jean-Luc Godard's creation of the middle and late periods. The author specially dwells on dynamics of ethical and political in Godard's radical outlook, which estranged a considerable part of spectators and colleagues from him.

Antiamericanism, Jean-Luc Godard, deconstructor, viewer's pleasure, History, representation criticism, narrativity, modernism, opposition, postmodernism, citation principle, Oeuvre

Dmitry Desyaterik


Investigation of the cardinal theme in Godard's creation, that is confrontation of personality, idea and ultimately cinema and the system, law, order, society, authorizing this order and law. Evolution of aesthetical methods of screen implementation characteristic of the radical filmmaker is considered as seen through the camerawork, topography, infraction of frame composition, sequence or sound and paradoxical angles of shooting.

Author, visual metatext, Jean-Luc Godard, genre and plot deconstruction, Maoist period, political films, Stranger, sense ruptures, reality resistances, camera movement, utopia, ultraleft period

Evgeny Slivkin

Escape to space

Different aspects of symbolic and real characteristics of Soviet and Russian life and culture, diametrically divided by the axis «centre- periphery». In this context through the films A PAPER SOLDIER and DREAMING OF SPACE filmic representation of metaphorical senses of such notions as outer space, GULAG, zone, freedom and human dignity is treated.

GULAG, biocosmists, «Paper Soldier», Ilya Kabakov, cosmic myth, «Dreaming of Space», Viktor Pelevin, periphery, centre

Evgeny Gusyatinsky

Remembrances and story


Analysis of the newest trends of the world cinema d'auteur in debuts and second films selected by the Rotterdam annual. Dynamics of transition of some promising aesthetical trends into stereotyped specimen encouraged by film festivals that is ethnics, primitive, raw reality, neglect of narration are considered.

Сoming of age stories, Rotterdam-2011, debuts, art of open editing, quasiart, caricature, «exotic texture»

Tom Hooper — Colin Firth:

«To become a king is a nightmare incarnated»

Conversed by Michael Leader

Joel Cohen, Ethan Cohen:

«We've got nothing in common with John Ford»

Conversed by Cole Haddon

Pulat Akhmatov



A script

Andrey Shcherbinin


A script

Leonid Vodolazov

King Lear from Yasnaya Polyana

Film-novel. Film one


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Наталья Серебрякова

По мнению Натальи Серебряковой, фильм «Кровные узы» Гийома Кане больше всего похож на совокупное творчество Джеймса Грэя.

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Этот воздух пусть будет свидетелем. «День Победы», режиссер Сергей Лозница


Этот воздух пусть будет свидетелем. «День Победы», режиссер Сергей Лозница

Вероника Хлебникова

20 июня в Музее современного искусства GARAGE будет показан фильм Сергея Лозницы «День Победы». Показ предваряют еще две короткометражных картины режиссера – «Отражения» (2014, 17 мин.) и «Старое еврейское кладбище» (2015, 20 мин.). В связи с этим событием публикуем статьи Олега Ковалова и Вероники Хлебниковой из 3/4 номера журнала «ИСКУССТВО КИНО» о фильме «День Победы». Ниже – рецензия Вероники Хлебниковой.

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В Петербурге пройдет ретроспектива Пьера Леона


В Санкт-Петербурге на Новой сцене Александринского театра с 25 по 28 ноября состоится первая в России ретроспектива французского режиссера Пьера Леона.